200 Plumb Guards Delivered to SA Water. August 15, 2021HLP controls are pleased to announce that SA water have chosen the Plumb Guard to keep personnel safe while working on water pipes throughout S.A.Nearly 200 units have been delivered...
Successful Trial for temperature monitoring with South Australia Company August 15, 2021HLP controls has had a long association with Meals on Wheels, and we have successfully trialled temperature monitoring and alerting systems in South Australia. Meals on Wheels aims to assist...
Successfully completed trials of best of breed Vaccine fridge monitoring solutions. August 15, 2021HLP Controls has successfully completed trials of best of breed Vaccine fridge monitoring solutions in Ramsay Health Care Northside Clinic in Sydney, and look forward to helping Ramsay Health Care...
HLP Controls was proud to support the Hunter New England Primary Health Network Immunisation Conference August 15, 2021The recent Hunter New England Primary Health Network Immunisation Conference was attended by 600 nurses and General practitioners. These dedicated primary care providers attended in their own time to improve...
Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology has completed a trial for HLP Controls B10 Vaccine Fridge Monitoring system. August 15, 2021Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology has recently completed a trial of the HLP Controls B10 Vaccine Fridge Monitoring system.
HLP Controls lovely product displays in Cooloola Food Services on the Sunshine Coast. August 15, 2021One of HLP Controls lovely product displays in Cooloola Food Services on the Sunshine Coast in beautiful Queensland. Cooloola is a progressive company that can now supply a wide range...